The Primate Foundation of Panama's International Association for Primate Refuges and Sanctuaries (IAPRS)
Worldwide, many primate societies already exist, but none of these have the special focus and goals as refuges and sanctuaries do.
Therefore, we think it would be helpful to have an association primarily focused on primate refuges and sanctuaries. This way, we could share ideas and information about topics like rehabilitation, reintroduction, endangered species management, and funding. The shared knowledge will allow us to enhance the professional care on primates in refuges and sanctuaries, and to train future workers. Tentatively we envision this association as a satellite group of a primate society, such as the international primate society, so we would be immediately linked with the broader interest areas in primatology as well as those that primarily concern refuges and sanctuaries.
In order to develop an association, The Primate Foundation of Panama started
an egroup to enocourage communication between primate refuges and
sanctuaries around the globe. To join the list, please see
AESOP-Project is now the moderator of the egroup. We are working toward the growth of an international association for primate refuges and sanctuaries. This e-group helps us to share ideas and information about topics like rehabilitation, reintroduction, endangered species management, and funding. The shared knowledge allows us to enhance the professional care of primates in refuges and sanctuaries, and to train future workers.