Select from the links below to learn more about the trade in monkeys and apes.
Visual Overview of USDA-APHIS Licensees: Animal Research Facilities; Animal Breeders; Animal Dealers; Animal Exhibitors [plotted by location on a map of the continental United States]
Chart: Primates used in research in the U.S. from 1973 to 2001 Primates on the U.S. Endangered Species List NEW - The Captive Wildlife Epidemic in the U.S. (PowerPoint presentation) NEW -Captive Wild/Exotic Animals in the U.S. - Trade Flow Chart (.pdf) INTERNATIONAL TRADE Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species [CITES] Appendix I (threatened with extinction) listed primate species. Explanation of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species [CITES] regulation of Appendix I and Appendix II species.